Unleashing the Power of Passive Real Estate Investing

The phenomenon is known as the "Amazon Effect", and chances are you've heard about it more than once. This e-commerce behemoth has revolutionized virtually every aspect of our lives, transforming consumer attitudes towards shopping and product accessibility and drastically altering the global supply chain. For institutional investors, the Amazon Effect has significantly boosted the appeal of industrial properties in the commercial real estate market, with properties housing Amazon operations being particularly sought after.

Amazon: A Rapidly Expanding Player in the Commercial Real Estate Scene

Aerial view of Amazon distribution center in Toronto illustrating the potential for investment real estate and the benefits of tax deferral through a 1031 exchange

Amazon is witnessing one of the fastest expansions as a tenant. The company recently unveiled plans to establish 1,000 small delivery hubs near densely populated regions across the US to streamline product delivery to consumers. This rampant growth spurred by e-commerce giants like Amazon has led CBRE to forecast a surge in demand for an additional 1.5 billion square feet of industrial space within the next half-decade. This demand has positioned industrial distribution properties as some of the most coveted assets in the market.

Moreover, Amazon's relentless demand has prompted the company to consider alternative properties. Many market analysts anticipate that Amazon could repurpose defunct and unoccupied large-scale department stores into industrial distribution centers, further indicating the skyrocketing demand for such spaces.

Although investors have their sights set on the expansive e-commerce market, Amazon emerges as arguably the most coveted and creditworthy tenant for these properties. Property owners are eager to secure long-term triple net leases with Amazon, as they effectively mitigate operating costs for the owner. Similar to most industrial properties, Amazon operates facilities on triple net leases, under which they cover the majority of operating expenses, including common area maintenance charges, insurance, and property taxes.

This upward trend isn't exclusive to large institutional investors. Small and medium-sized investors also have the opportunity to strive to capitalize on the earnings potential of Amazon's industrial properties. They can do so through tax-deferred 1031 exchanges and passive real estate investment strategies, broadening their access to this burgeoning sector.

What Does Passive Real Estate Investing Entail?

Various financial investment products in cartons demonstrating diverse options for investment real estate and the power of tax deferral through a 1031 exchange

Passive investing denotes a scenario where an investor takes a non-active role in the management of the property or business. It spans a range of asset types, from equity assets such as stocks or mutual funds, to real estate assets including Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) or Delaware Statutory Trusts (DSTs). Within real estate, passive investment can occur directly or indirectly.

Direct Passive Real Estate Investment

While real estate is often seen as a passive income asset, anyone who's managed an apartment complex firsthand knows it can be quite the contrary. However, owners who delegate the day-to-day management, upkeep, and leasing of the property to professional property management firms, or commercial owners with tenants on triple-net leases (where tenants bear most operational costs), can enjoy a far more passive investment experience.

With this strategy, an investor's role is reduced to simply collecting potential income each month, while their involvement in the property's operation remains minimal.

Indirect Passive Real Estate Investment

Indirect passive real estate investing involves a completely hands-off approach. An investor can participate in various real estate equity vehicles, acquiring fractional ownership in an asset or portfolio of assets. Beyond the initial capital investment, the investor plays no part in managing the property but shares in any profits or income generated.

Potential Advantages of Passive Real Estate Investment in Commercial Real Estate

Passive real estate investing in commercial real estate has seen significant growth, and there are now more opportunities than ever to invest your capital in high-quality, hands-off equity vehicles. Commercial real estate not only offers the possibility of a steady income stream and robust appreciation potential, but these assets also typically have a high entry barrier and require substantial expertise for successful business strategy execution.

However, passive investing can unlock the financial and wealth-building potentials of commercial real estate assets, making it an attractive option for many investors.

Three Key Options for Passive Real Estate Investment

Nowadays, there are numerous ways to invest in real estate through equity vehicles. Some methods, such as crowdfunding or opportunity zone funds, are relatively new, while others, like Delaware Statutory Trusts, REITs, and real estate funds, are established and tested vehicles with widespread popularity.

Delaware Statutory Trust (DST)

A Delaware Statutory Trust (DST) is a business trust that owns and manages real estate property. A real estate firm, known as the DST sponsor, initially acquires a property using its own capital, structures the property within a DST, and subsequently introduces it to the market through an official offering.

Investors purchase a fractional or concurrent ownership stake in a high-quality, professionally managed asset and potentially receive monthly income corresponding to their share of ownership. Over the past decade, DSTs have gained popularity due to their eligibility as replacement properties in 1031 exchanges.

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

A Real Estate Investment Trust, or REIT, is a company that purchases, owns, and operates real estate assets. There are public and private REITs, as well as traded and non-traded REITs. Private non-traded REITs typically engage with institutional capital sources, whereas public traded and non-traded REITs are registered with the SEC.

Shares of these are either traded on public exchange markets or directly purchased from the issuer. Historically, they've provided attractive dividends averaging around 5%, which is considerably higher than the average stock dividend of 2%.

Real Estate Funds

Real estate funds present another option, acting as an alternative to investing directly in a single REIT. These funds, such as real estate interval funds, invest in a variety of REITs, offering investors enhanced diversification. Some real estate funds are traded on public exchange markets, while others can be directly purchased through the fund.

Contrary to DSTs and REITs, real estate funds do not distribute dividends or monthly income. Rather, they seek to generate value through appreciation, realized at the exit or sale of the investment.

Investing in Amazon via a 1031 Exchange DST Property

Thanks to these passive investment strategies, individual investors can tap into high-quality, institutional-grade assets - bringing us back full circle to the Amazon Effect. While these strategies aren't exclusively tied to Amazon, they provide an avenue for investors to attempt to capitalize on the thriving industrial market.

One such strategy worth considering is employing a 1031 Exchange with a Delaware Statutory Trust to own Amazon Net Lease properties as a 1031 replacement property. This approach combines the tax deferral advantages of a 1031 Exchange, the passive management benefits of a DST, and the consistent income potential offered by Amazon's industrial properties.

Understanding the Mechanics of a Delaware Statutory Trust

Since 2004, DST investments have been recognized as suitable replacement properties in a 1031 exchange. Even though this exchange allows owners to transition their business model from direct to fractional ownership, the fundamental principles of a 1031 exchange remain the same. Upon selling an asset, the seller has 45 days to identify a replacement property, in this case, one or more DSTs.

The identified replacement property must comply with one of the three permissible identification methods: the 3-property rule, 200% rule, or 95% rule. The transaction must be completed within 180 days from the original property sale date. Similar to a conventional exchange, investors can defer capital gains taxes through this process.

Numerous reliable DST investments are available from trusted sponsors with a proven track record. DST sponsors undertake the task of structuring the trust, which encompasses property inspection, due diligence, securing debt if required, and organizing the DST offering in accordance with SEC regulations. All these costs are included in the official offering.

When considering properties occupied by Amazon, investors should look out for industrial DST offerings. Due to SEC regulations, DST sponsors are prohibited from publicly advertising certain offerings. To locate an offering that aligns with your objectives, it's advisable to conduct thorough research on reputable sponsors and consult with a licensed 1031 Exchange professional.

Pros & Cons of Delaware Statutory Trusts

Investing in a DST via a tax-deferred 1031 exchange offers the potential for significant benefits. Shifting away from direct ownership alleviates the responsibilities associated with daily property management. Plus, DSTs generally have low minimum investment requirements – typically $100,000 – which allows investors to spread their investment across multiple DST properties and diversify their portfolio.

As DST investments are usually comprised of institutional-grade assets, such as an Amazon net leased property, they potentially provide higher monthly income and appreciation compared to direct ownership – although this largely depends on the specific asset.

However, as with any investment, there are also drawbacks. Two of the risks associated with DSTs relate to liquidity constraints and the timing of exits. DST properties are usually held for a period ranging from 3 to 10 years, and early exits are generally not feasible.

While the hands-off management nature of a DST is one of its attractive features, it also implies that investors do not have a say in management decisions. Therefore, it's critical to select a robust sponsor with a demonstrated successful history when investing in DST real estate.

Leveraged DST properties also present a risk. High leverage – say 80% – can notably decrease monthly cash flow as the majority of profits will be allocated towards servicing the asset's debt. Most DSTs apply leverage between 50% - 58% to avoid undue risk. Consequently, when considering a DST property, thorough due diligence is essential prior to investing.

General Disclosure

Not an offer to buy, nor a solicitation to sell securities. All investing involves risk of loss of some or all principal invested. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Speak to your finance and/or tax professional prior to investing. Any information provided is for informational purposes only.

Securities offered through Emerson Equity LLC Member: FINRA/SIPC. Only available in states where Emerson Equity LLC is registered. Emerson Equity LLC is not affiliated with any other entities identified in this communication. 

1031 Risk Disclosure: 

Utilizing a 1031 Exchange for Constructing an Investment Property

Utilizing a 1031 Exchange for Constructing an Investment Property

A 1031 exchange serves as a valuable tool for real estate investors seeking to defer the payment of capital gains taxes when selling an investment property and reinvesting the proceeds. Without utilizing a 1031 exchange, a sale and subsequent purchase would result in capital gains taxes being owed on the difference between the adjusted basis and the sale price.

To illustrate, let's consider an example. Imagine you have owned a piece of land for five years, initially acquiring it for $250,000 along with associated acquisition costs. Over time, you invested $100,000 in improvements, bringing your adjusted basis to $350,000.

If you decide to sell the property for $600,000, you would be liable for capital gains taxes on the $250,000 difference. Depending on your tax bracket, this could amount to $50,000 if you are in the highest bracket.

Let's consider an alternative scenario where you opt for a 1031 exchange, adhering to the procedures and timelines set forth by the IRS, to reinvest the proceeds from the sale into a new property. This strategic approach enables you to invest the entire $600,000 rather than just $550,000, creating a significant financial advantage. Key requirements for a successful 1031 exchange include:

  1. Engaging a Qualified Intermediary (QI): It is essential to work with a Qualified Intermediary who will facilitate the entire process. The QI establishes an account to hold and manage the sale proceeds between the initial property sale and the final acquisition.
  1. Timelines and Identification: Within 45 days of the sale, you must identify potential replacement properties that meet the criteria outlined by the IRS. Subsequently, you must complete the purchases (or purchases) within 180 days from the initial sale date, ensuring strict compliance with the prescribed timelines.
  1. Value and Debt Matching: To meet the requirements of a 1031 exchange, the value and debt levels of the new investment property should be equal to or greater than those of the relinquished property. This balance helps maintain the integrity of the exchange process.

While a 1031 exchange for investment property construction entails a complex transaction and tight timelines, the tax deferral can provide an opportunity for increased leverage in the reinvestment process. Additionally, utilizing this tool for subsequent investments can lead to a transfer upon your passing, whereby the heir receives the property at its stepped-up value, ultimately eliminating any deferred taxes.

Exploring Building Opportunities within a 1031 Exchange

Couple exploring building opportunities within a 1031 exchange for their new construction investment property

If you have aspirations to build on the replacement property acquired through a 1031 exchange, there are avenues to pursue. The approach depends on the initial value and condition of the replacement property:

  1. Equivalent Value: If the replacement property, in its current state, is already of equal value to the relinquished asset, you have the freedom to proceed with the exchange and embark on your desired construction project.
  1. Value Enhancement: However, if the designated replacement property requires improvements to match the value of the relinquished asset, certain conditions must be met. The required work must be completed within the 180-day timeframe allocated for the exchange. Additionally, as part of the identification process within the initial 45 days, the investor must outline the planned improvements for the replacement property.

In conclusion, while it is possible to transact a 1031 exchange into new construction, there are important considerations to keep in mind. The replacement property must meet the requirement of being equal to or greater in value than the relinquished asset. If you plan to sell a retail property and embark on constructing a multifamily housing structure on vacant land, there are additional complexities involved.

If the value of the new asset already matches that of the original property, the process is straightforward. However, if the new acquisition initially holds a lower value due to ongoing construction, it must be completed within the 180-day exchange period. Throughout this period, the title should be held by a qualified intermediary.

To successfully navigate a 1031 exchange into new construction, it is vital for investors to diligently follow the rules and timelines set forth by the IRS. Engaging the services of a skilled intermediary can provide invaluable assistance in ensuring compliance and facilitating a smooth transaction. By carefully adhering to the guidelines and working with experienced professionals, investors can leverage the benefits of a 1031 exchange while pursuing their new construction projects.

General Disclosure

Not an offer to buy, nor a solicitation to sell securities. All investing involves risk of loss of some or all principal invested. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Speak to your finance and/or tax professional prior to investing. Any information provided is for informational purposes only.

Securities offered through Emerson Equity LLC Member: FINRA/SIPC. Only available in states where Emerson Equity LLC is registered. Emerson Equity LLC is not affiliated with any other entities identified in this communication. 

1031 Risk Disclosure: 

Using 1031 Exchange Funds for Earnest Money: Is it Allowed?

A 1031 exchange allows real estate investors to delay paying capital gains taxes by replacing their sold properties with similar replacement assets. One rule is that sellers cannot handle funds directly and must use a qualified intermediary for monetary transactions. This leads to the question of how earnest money is handled in 1031 exchanges. Let's explore earnest money treatment in both selling relinquished assets and purchasing replacement properties.

Now, let's delve into the treatment of earnest money in 1031 exchanges. Earnest money is a deposit made by the buyer to demonstrate their serious intent to purchase a property. In traditional real estate transactions, earnest money is typically held by a title company, commercial brokerage, or even the seller.

In a typical real estate transaction, buyers often provide earnest money deposits as a demonstration of good faith and their commitment to securing the necessary funds for the property purchase. This earnest money is typically required once both parties have entered into a legally binding purchase agreement.

However, when it comes to a 1031 exchange, the treatment of earnest money for relinquished assets differs from standard transactions. In a 1031 exchange, the earnest money placed as a deposit on the relinquished assets should always be held by a third party. This third party can be a qualified intermediary, an attorney, a broker, or any other agent designated to handle the exchange process.

The reason for this requirement is that individuals engaging in a 1031 exchange are prohibited from taking receipt of any funds at any point during the exchange process, according to the regulations set forth by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

When the time comes to close the deal, the earnest money deposit can be transferred to the closing agent. The closing agent then delivers these funds to the designated exchange facilitator, who utilizes them to complete the sale of the relinquished asset.

Although this may seem like a circuitous route for handling earnest money deposits, it is a necessary precaution to ensure compliance with the rules and regulations of the 1031 exchange. By following this approach, exchangers can rest assured that they are adhering to the IRS guidelines and not directly handling any funds during the sale of their relinquished assets.


Earnest Money and Replacement Assets

In a 1031 exchange, exchangers are responsible for placing earnest money deposits to secure their replacement properties once they enter into purchase agreements. There are two options for handling these earnest money deposits:

  1. Direct Payment to Seller: Exchangers have the choice to pay the earnest money directly to the seller. This option does not create any tax or regulatory complications. If there is enough capital from the relinquished asset, the exchanger can even have these funds returned at the closing of the transaction.
  2. Qualified Intermediary Involvement: Exchangers who prefer to utilize funds from their relinquished assets can have their qualified intermediary (QI) place the earnest money deposits on the replacement properties. To do this, the purchase agreement must be assigned to the QI. It is important to specify that any refundable earnest money will be returned to the exchange facilitator if the deal falls through, ensuring that the exchanger never directly handles any funds.

In Conclusion

A fundamental rule in 1031 exchanges is that exchangers must avoid handling any funds from the sale or purchase of properties involved in the exchange process. This rule, known as constructive receipt of funds, is crucial to maintaining the tax-deferred status of the exchange.

If an exchanger were to directly receive and retain earnest money deposited on a relinquished asset throughout the closing process, it would result in a taxable event due to the generation of boot (non-like-kind property or cash). To ensure compliance and minimize tax consequences, it is always recommended to assign the earnest money to a third party.

On the other hand, exchangers have the option to utilize the proceeds from their relinquished assets as earnest money deposits on replacement assets, as long as the purchase agreement has been assigned to their qualified intermediary. By following the appropriate documentation and planning procedures, earnest money can be handled within 1031 exchange transactions without triggering any tax implications.

Proper adherence to the rules and regulations surrounding the treatment of earnest money is essential to successfully execute a 1031 exchange while deferring capital gains taxes.

General Disclosure

Not an offer to buy, nor a solicitation to sell securities. All investing involves risk of loss of some or all principal invested. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Speak to your finance and/or tax professional prior to investing. Any information provided is for informational purposes only.

Securities offered through Emerson Equity LLC Member: FINRA/SIPC. Only available in states where Emerson Equity LLC is registered. Emerson Equity LLC is not affiliated with any other entities identified in this communication.

1031 Risk Disclosure:

·     There’s no guarantee any strategy will be successful or achieve investment objectives;

·     All real estate investments have the potential to lose value during the life of the investments;

·     The income stream and depreciation schedule for any investment property may affect the property owner’s income bracket and/or tax status. An unfavorable tax ruling may cancel deferral of capital gains and result in immediate tax liabilities;

·     All financed real estate investments have potential for foreclosure;

·     These 1031 exchanges are offered through private placement offerings and are illiquid securities. There is no secondary market for these investments.

·     If a property unexpectedly loses tenants or sustains substantial damage, there is potential for suspension of cash flow distributions;

·     Costs associated with the transaction may impact investors’ returns and may outweigh the tax benefits

How To Build a Diversified Real Estate Portfolio

Creating a diversified real estate portfolio involves similar principles to building a diversified stock portfolio, including selecting assets with low historical correlations and diversifying across various assets to manage overall risk. It's crucial to consider more than just geographical location, cap rates, building classes, and vacancy rates. Other real estate asset classes, as well as tax implications and liquidity concerns, should also be taken into account.

Achieving Diversification Across Asset Classes

Diversification is an important concept for any investment portfolio, and this is especially true for real estate investments. A diversified portfolio helps to manage overall portfolio risk and can potentially provide greater returns over the long term.

When it comes to real estate investing, many people automatically think of owning physical property. However, this is just one of many asset classes that investors can consider. By diversifying across different asset classes, investors can spread their risk and potentially increase the chances of achieving a successful investment outcome.

Real property is the most traditional form of real estate investing, and it involves owning a structure as an investment. Examples of real property include single-family homes, apartment buildings, and commercial properties. These assets may be able to provide a monthly income and potentially appreciate in value over time. When selecting real property investments, it is important to consider different locations and building classes to strive to help stabilize the monthly income stream.

However, investing in real property can require significant capital contributions, complex deal structures, and property management costs. For those who cannot afford to invest in physical property or for those who want to diversify further, there are other asset classes to consider.

Business project team working together at meeting room at office.Horizontal.Blurred background.Flares

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) come in both public and private forms. Private REITs are structured as funds, while public REITs are stocks. Unlike physical property investments, REITs are passive investments that are managed by a sponsor. REITs have the potential to pay dividends and appreciate in value.

Syndications, which are often referred to as crowdfunding. These deals are typically offered through websites, and investors can participate in a fund or a specific deal with a sponsor. Like REITs, syndications are also passive investments.

Both REITs and syndications can be further diversified by investing in either residential or commercial property. Commercial property, also known as Commercial Real Estate (CRE), can include office buildings, warehouses, storage facilities, and other commercial properties. Investing in different types of commercial properties can further diversify a real estate portfolio and help to mitigate risks.

Real property, REITs, and syndication deals can be structured in various ways, including debt and equity financing. Debt financing typically pays regular interest but does not allow investors to participate in the appreciation of the property. On the other hand, equity financing deals may not have regular payments but offer investors the opportunity to participate in the property's appreciation.

In addition to considering asset classes and deal structures, investors should also take liquidity into account.


It's important to consider liquidity, while real property can provide long-term value and appreciation, it may be illiquid, making it difficult to access funds quickly in case of an emergency. Publicly traded REITs, on the other hand, are generally more liquid.

Most syndication deals are not liquid, but they often have a known exit strategy, such as selling the property and returning funds to investors. By staggering these exits and diversifying across different asset classes and deal structures, investors can create some liquidity within their real estate portfolio.

Additionally, it's important to consider the type of deal structure when thinking about generating cash flow. Real property rentals, REITs, and syndications with a debt structure generally provide the potential for regular cash flows, whereas equity-only deals may not provide any cash flow. Taking these factors into account can help investors build a well-diversified and liquid real estate portfolio that targets their financial goals.

Tax Implications

Tax implications are an important consideration when building a real estate portfolio, as each asset class offers different advantages and implications. Real property may be the most complex in terms of taxes, but it also offers the most benefits. For example, real property investors can save on taxes through interest on loan payments and depreciation, which is a non-cash flow deduction.

REITs and syndications do not offer the same deductions as real property. REITs pay dividends, which may be taxed at a lower or ordinary tax rate depending on the type of dividend. Debt deals that pay interest are taxed at the ordinary tax rate, while equity deals that provide distributions are also typically taxed at the ordinary tax rate.

The tax implications of a real estate portfolio can be complex, so it is best to consult a real estate tax advisor when structuring such a portfolio.

When it comes to building a real estate portfolio, it's not just about what assets to buy, but how to create a portfolio that balances risk and returns. Even assets in the same asset class can have different risk and return profiles, depending on the specific deal. By pursuing a mix of assets that meets your needs, you may be able to balance out the risks and returns of your portfolio.

It's also important to consider that your real estate portfolio is just one part of your larger investment portfolio, which may include stocks, jewelry, collectibles, and more. If your real estate investments are causing your overall portfolio to become more volatile or putting your other assets at risk, that is something to be aware of and factor into your decision-making process. A well-diversified portfolio is key to achieving long-term financial success.

General Disclosure

Not an offer to buy, nor a solicitation to sell securities. Information herein is provided for information purposes only, and should not be relied upon to make an investment decision. All investing involves risk of loss of some or all principal invested. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Speak to your finance and/or tax professional prior to investing.

Securities offered through Emerson Equity LLC Member: FINRA/SIPC. Only available in states where Emerson Equity LLC is registered. Emerson Equity LLC is not affiliated with any other entities identified in this communication.

Real Estate Risk Disclosure:

How To Defer Capital Gains Tax With a Partial 1031 Exchange

Want to defer capital gains tax, but also want the potential for some more cash in your pocket? A partial 1031 exchange may be the solution. Many investors rely on a 1031 exchange to defer paying capital gains. Recently, however, we have had multiple clients asking if they can do a partial exchange. The answer is yes.

When selling your investment property, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) permits investors to reinvest a portion of their proceeds, while cashing out on the rest. Whether investors want to pull out cash to pay off debt or buy a second home, the option is available. They can then reinvest the rest per Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 1031, deferring partial capital gains.

Here’s a recent example. We had a client – Richard – who was selling a multifamily property in Southern California for $2.5 million. He had no debt and was ready to sell and trade into a more passive investment. However, he wanted to pull some cash out to purchase a home for his daughter. Rounding up, he needed $1.2 million, which would mean he owed nearly $300,000 in taxes, leaving just more than $900,000 for the home.

With the leftover $1.3 million, Richard had the option to either reinvest via a 1031 exchange or cash out. The tax consequence for cashing out completely would be high – and unnecessary since Richard did not need access to the cash. Therefore, Richard opted to exchange into a Delaware Statutory Trust (DST).

If the property had debt on it, additional considerations would have been necessary. Richard, however, was able to simply trade into a passive investment, defer capital gains, and buy his daughter a house.

Every situation is unique, and we are here to help investors identify an investment strategy that is in line with their objectives. Reach out to Perch Wealth to learn how a partial exchange might help you.

Not an offer to buy nor a solicitation to sell securities. Securities through Emerson Equity LLC, member FINRA and SIPC. All investing involves risk of loss of some or all principal invested. Speak to your tax professional before investing. Emerson is not affiliated with any other entity in this communication.

1031 Risk Disclosure:

·      There’s no guarantee any strategy will be successful or achieve investment objectives;

·      All real estate investments have the potential to lose value during the life of the investments;

·      The income stream and depreciation schedule for any investment property may affect the property owner’s income bracket and/or tax status. An unfavorable tax ruling may cancel deferral of capital gains and result in immediate tax liabilities;

·      All financed real estate investments have potential for foreclosure;

·      These 1031 exchanges are offered through private placement offerings and are illiquid securities. There is no secondary market for these investments.

·      If a property unexpectedly loses tenants or sustains substantial damage, there is potential for suspension of cash flow distributions;

·      Costs associated with the transaction may impact investors’ returns and may outweigh the tax benefits

1031 Exchange Tax Benefits for Real Estate Investors

1031 exchanges, also known as Starker or like-kind exchanges, are a powerful tax-saving strategy for real estate investors. They allow investors to defer taxes on the sale of a property by using the proceeds to purchase a similar "like-kind" property.

This means that instead of paying taxes on the sale of a property, the investor can put that money towards purchasing a new property, thus deferring the taxes. This can be a game changer for real estate investors looking to maximize their returns and minimize their tax burden.

In this blog post, we'll explore the tax benefits of 1031 exchanges for real estate investors. We'll start by explaining how 1031 exchanges work, and how they differ from traditional real estate sales. We'll then delve into the benefits of 1031 exchanges, including how they can defer taxes, how they can be used to diversify investment portfolios and how they can be beneficial for long-term wealth creation. We'll also discuss the potential implications of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 on 1031 exchanges.

By the end of this post, readers will have a solid understanding of how to use 1031 exchanges to defer taxes and maximize profits on their real estate investments. It's important to note that 1031 exchanges come with rules and regulations and it's always recommended to consult with a tax professional to ensure compliance and maximize the benefits.

Deferring Taxes

One of the most significant benefits of 1031 exchanges for real estate investors is the ability to defer paying taxes on the sale of a property. When an investor sells a property and uses the proceeds to purchase a similar "like-kind" property through a 1031 exchange, they can defer paying taxes on the sale until they sell the replacement property. This can significantly increase the investor's cash flow and overall returns.

To understand how this works, let's take an example of an investor who sells a rental property for $500,000 and is faced with paying a capital gains tax of $75,000. Instead of paying the taxes, the investor decides to use the proceeds from the sale to purchase a new rental property worth $500,000 through a 1031 exchange.

In this scenario, the investor has deferred paying the $75,000 in capital gains taxes until they decide to sell the new property in the future. By deferring the taxes, the investor is able to keep more of the money from the sale and use it to purchase the new property, thus increasing their cash flow and potential returns.

It's also important to note that 1031 exchanges can benefit both commercial and residential properties, and it's not limited to one type of property, this makes it more versatile and useful for different types of real estate investors. Additionally, 1031 exchanges can be used in a series of transactions, allowing the investor to continue deferring taxes and compounding the benefits over time.

When compared to traditional real estate sales, 1031 exchanges can provide significant tax savings for investors. In traditional sales, investors must pay taxes on the sale of the property at the time of the sale, which can significantly reduce the amount of money available for reinvestment. With a 1031 exchange, investors can defer taxes and keep more of the money from the sale for reinvestment, potentially leading to higher returns over time.

It's important to note that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 has placed some limitations on 1031 exchanges, such as limiting the deferral of taxes to real property, not personal property and reducing the maximum exchange period from 180 days to 120 days. Investors should consult with a tax professional to ensure compliance with the new laws and to maximize the benefits of a 1031 exchange.


Diversifying Investment Portfolio

Another key benefit of 1031 exchanges for real estate investors is the ability to diversify their investment portfolios. By using the proceeds from the sale of a property to purchase multiple properties or different types of properties, such as multifamily or commercial, investors can spread out their risk and increase their potential returns.

For example, an investor who owns several single-family rental properties in one area may be at risk if the local economy were to suffer. By using a 1031 exchange to sell those properties and purchase a multifamily property in a different area, the investor can diversify their portfolio and spread out their risk. Additionally, by diversifying into different types of properties, such as commercial properties, investors can take advantage of different cash flow and appreciation potentials.

In comparison to traditional real estate investing methods, 1031 exchanges can provide an efficient and tax-advantaged way to diversify investment portfolios. Traditional methods of diversification, such as buying multiple properties or different types of properties, often require paying taxes on the sale of each property, which can eat into profits. With a 1031 exchange, investors can defer taxes and use the proceeds from the sale of a property to purchase multiple properties or different types of properties without incurring significant tax liabilities.

It's important to note that investors must identify and acquire replacement properties within the 45-day identification period and 180-day exchange period in order to properly execute a 1031 exchange. Additionally, there are some restrictions on the type of transactions that qualify for a 1031 exchange such as related party transactions or cash boot. Investors should consult with a tax professional to ensure compliance with these rules and regulations, and to develop a strategy for diversifying their portfolios through 1031 exchanges.

In summary, 1031 exchanges can provide real estate investors with a powerful tool for diversifying their investment portfolios and reducing their tax liabilities. By using the proceeds from the sale of a property to purchase multiple properties or different types of properties, investors can spread out their risk and increase their potential returns.

Additionally, 1031 exchanges can provide a more efficient and tax-advantaged way to diversify compared to traditional methods. However, it's important to understand the rules and regulations, and to consult with a tax professional to ensure compliance and maximize the benefits.

Long-term Benefits

1031 exchanges can also provide long-term benefits for real estate investors. One of the most significant long-term benefits is the compounding effect of tax savings over time. When an investor defers taxes through a 1031 exchange, they can continue to defer taxes on each subsequent exchange, thus compounding the benefits over time. This can lead to significant tax savings for investors who engage in multiple exchanges over the course of their careers.

Another long-term benefit of 1031 exchanges is the potential for wealth creation. By deferring taxes and reinvesting the proceeds from the sale of a property, investors can potentially increase their returns and build wealth over time. Additionally, 1031 exchanges can provide investors with the flexibility to acquire new properties, to use leverage to purchase properties, which can increase the potential for profit, and to defer taxes on property appreciation.

When compared to traditional real estate investing methods, 1031 exchanges can provide long-term benefits that are not available through other methods. Traditional methods of investing, such as buying and holding properties, do not provide the same tax savings and wealth-building potential as 1031 exchanges.

It's important to keep in mind that 1031 exchanges come with rules and regulations that must be followed, such as the 45-day identification period and 180-day exchange period. Additionally, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 placed some limits on 1031 exchanges, and investors should consult with a tax professional to ensure compliance and maximize the benefits of a 1031 exchange.

In summary, 1031 exchanges can provide real estate investors with long-term benefits such as the compounding effect of tax savings over time and the potential for wealth creation. By deferring taxes and reinvesting the proceeds from the sale of a property, investors can potentially increase their returns and build wealth over time.

Additionally, 1031 exchanges can provide investors with the flexibility to acquire new properties, to use leverage to purchase properties, and to defer taxes on property appreciation. However, it's important to understand the rules and regulations and to consult with a tax professional to ensure compliance and maximize the benefits.

Special Considerations for Commercial Properties

While 1031 exchanges can provide benefits for both commercial and residential properties, there are some special considerations for commercial properties that investors should be aware of.

One consideration is that commercial properties often have higher values and more complex ownership structures, which can make it more challenging to find suitable replacement properties within the 45-day identification period and 180-day exchange period. It's important for investors to work with a qualified intermediary who has experience with commercial properties to ensure compliance with these rules.

Another consideration is that commercial properties often have more restrictive zoning laws and regulations, which can limit the types of properties that can be used as replacement properties. Investors should be aware of these restrictions and work with a knowledgeable real estate professional to identify suitable replacement properties.

Additionally, commercial properties often require more due diligence and research, such as environmental assessments and property condition reports, which can add complexity and cost to the exchange process.

Finally, it's important to note that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 has placed some limitations on 1031 exchanges for commercial properties, such as limiting the deferral of taxes to real property, not personal property and reducing the maximum exchange period from 180 days to 120 days. Investors should consult with a tax professional to ensure compliance with the new laws and to maximize the benefits of a 1031 exchange.

In summary, while 1031 exchanges can provide benefits for both commercial and residential properties, there are some special considerations for commercial properties that investors should be aware of. These include the need to work with a qualified intermediary who has experience with commercial properties, the need to research and be aware of zoning laws and regulations, the added complexity and cost of due diligence, and the new limitations imposed by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.

It's important for investors to consult with a tax professional and knowledgeable real estate professional to ensure compliance and maximize the benefits of a 1031 exchange for commercial properties.

Who to Consider for a 1031 Exchange: BD vs. RIA

Investors might choose to work with a broker-dealer (BD) or registered investment advisor if they want to speak with a knowledgeable expert about their 1031 exchange investment alternatives (RIA). Although both BDs and RIAs can frequently provide comparable services, the breadth of their knowledge and costs can differ greatly. In this post, we clarify the distinction between a BD and an RIA in the hopes of assisting you in selecting the expert who is more suitable for your needs.

What's the distinction?

RIAs are people or businesses that primarily concentrate on providing general financial advice, managing client accounts, and carrying out stock trades on behalf of clients. RIAs often charge annual fees that are calculated as a percentage of the assets they manage for their clients' benefit.

BDs, on the other hand, primarily assist their clients in investment transactions. BDs typically charge a one-time fee rather than a recurring cost for each transaction they assist because their fees are largely commission-based.

A 1031 Exchange's Relevance

Work with a certified expert, such as a broker-dealer or a registered investment advisor, if you're an investor looking to sell your real estate and exchange it for a like-kind alternative investment.

Trading from a real estate asset into a Delaware Statutory Trust (or "DST") is one of the most prevalent types of a 1031 exchange in use today.

An investor can purchase an ownership interest in a DST, which is a legally recognized real estate investment trust. Beneficiaries of the trust are investors who own fractional ownership; they are regarded as passive investors. … Retail assets, multifamily properties, self-storage facilities, medical offices, and other types of commercial real estate are among the properties owned in DSTs that are deemed to be of "like-kind."


Investors can sell their real estate and purchase a suitable investment while postponing capital gains thanks to these one-time transactions.

Investors can also use the exceptional financing secured by a DST sponsor, receive possible management-free passive income, access institutional quality assets they might not otherwise be able to purchase, and limit their liability in the investment by trading into a DST.

Instead of comparing a DST to an equity acquisition, it is ideal to compare it to a real estate exchange because there is a big difference between the two in terms of how much an investor should spend in fees.

Preventing Possibly False Claims

Why is this significant when choosing between working with an RIA or a BD?

Many claims are now frequently made in an effort to attract investors for 1031 exchanges or people wishing to invest money in DSTs. Since their commissions are eliminated, several RIAs assert that working with them is less expensive than working with a BD. This assertion, however, disregards the fact that RIAs frequently charge continuous annual fees to their clients. Over time, this fee can end up costing you more. It's crucial to conduct research to determine the recurring fee and, if any, additional services you are receiving in exchange for that cost. It's important to remember that the recurring charge is often determined as a percentage of the assets' value. This implies that you will pay more if the item increases in value and less if it decreases in value. As a result, it is impossible to estimate how much the advising fee will actually cost over time.

Let's examine a case in point.

Consider a scenario in which an investor switches from a retail property to a DST, an investment that typically lasts for five to ten years before being sold and allowing the investor to make another transaction. Let's say the investor contributes $1 million to the DST. Let's compare the prices of a BD and an RIA now. If the BD charges a 6% commission on the investment, the commission on the transaction will be $60,000.

Contrarily, an RIA levies fees as a percentage of the assets under management (AUM), which in this case is $1 million. Let's now assume that the RIA fee is 1.5% of the AUM (assets under management). The investor would then pay the RIA $15,000 annually for the investment (assuming the asset value remains stable). The investor would spend between $75,000 and $150,000 for the exchange based on the typical holding time of a DST (five to 10 years)! Of course, there is a chance that the charge will be smaller if the DST sponsor leaves early or if you are given the chance to sell or swap early.

Compared to registered investment advisors, broker-dealers may be less expensive.

The aforementioned scenario only illustrates how dealing with a BD might be less expensive than working with an RIA by comparing the costs of the two types of advisors. In the example above, working with an RIA costs the investor 50% to 250% more than working with a BD. If an investor had millions to invest, just imagine.


Pay No Annual Fees for Passive Investments Such as DSTs and Other 1031 Exchange Investment Options

DSTs and other 1031 exchange investment choices are set up as management-free investments, so neither the investor nor the person acting on their behalf in the transaction is responsible for managing the investments. Sponsors are absolutely passive because they manage these alternative investments on behalf of their investors. When your DST investment is already being managed for you, why would you pay an RIA to "manage" it?

Recognizing Your Options

Investors should do their homework before making any investments to fully grasp the possibilities and costs involved. An investor should evaluate who has greater expertise in the investment and whose fees are more in line with the type of investment they are considering when deciding between an RIA and a BD. These inquiries might aid investors in safeguarding their capital and themselves in subsequent investments.

General Disclosure

Not an offer to buy, nor a solicitation to sell securities. Information herein is provided for information purposes only, and should not be relied upon to make an investment decision. All investing involves risk of loss of some or all principal invested. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Speak to your finance and/or tax professional prior to investing.

Securities offered through Emerson Equity LLC Member: FINRA/SIPC. Only available in states where Emerson Equity LLC is registered. Emerson Equity LLC is not affiliated with any other entities identified in this communication.

1031 Risk Disclosure:

How Should I Invest My Wealth in 2022?

The present market offers financial backers a plenty of speculation valuable open doors across various ventures. While having different choices can assist with further developing a singular's venture methodology, they can likewise cause vulnerability, bringing up issues about which speculation suits the individual's monetary targets. So you may be wondering where do I invest my wealth in the current economy.

To help give guidance on which investment is ideal for you, we will frame the fundamental components of the present most wanted speculations and go over the upsides and downsides of every one.

For this article, we will isolate the data into two segments. To start with, we will take a gander at more conventional speculation choices, like putting resources into stocks or bonds. Then, we will audit elective speculations. Albeit less known among the present financial backers, elective choices offer potential advantages that numerous customary speculations need.

Customary Investment Options

By and large, financial backers have depended upon a 60/40 portfolio piece to assist them with accomplishing their long-term monetary dreams, for example, fabricating a savings for retirement, reimbursing a home loan early, or paying instructive costs for their youngsters. As indicated by this model, a financial backer's portfolio ought to comprise of about 60% stocks and 40 percent bonds. This model generally would in general convey financial backers stable development and pay to assist them with meeting their monetary objectives.

Stocks, or values, are protections that address partial possession in an enterprise. Financial backers purchase stocks and depend upon the organization's development to expand their abundance after some time. Also, stocks may offer financial backers profits - or installments to investors - for recurring, automated revenue. Then again, bonds are obligation protections presented by a company or government substance hoping to raise capital. Not at all like stocks, bonds don't give financial backers proprietorship freedoms, yet rather they address a credit.

The largest contrast among stocks and securities is the manner by which they produce benefit: stocks should appreciate in esteem and be sold later on the financial exchange, while most bonds pay fixed interest after some time.

While stocks offer financial backers the potential for more significant yields than securities, securities are by and large considered a safer venture. Therefore, numerous financial backers go to venture reserves, like common assets, trade exchanged reserves, or shut end assets, to broaden their portfolios while keeping a 60/40 arrangement. These venture subsidizes arrange capital from various financial backers, which is then, at that point, put into an arrangement of stocks and bonds. Venture subsidizes offer financial backers the possibility to moderate risk through a more adjusted portfolio.

A Change in the Portfolio Model

Because of progressing unpredictability in the stock and security market, rising costs for wares, and high valuations, the customary 60/40 portfolio model is done serving financial backers in a similar way it once did. Therefore, numerous monetary specialists are presently suggesting that financial backers broaden their portfolios with 40% elective ventures to help possibly advance their monetary position.


Elective Investments

While various kinds of elective ventures exist, we will zero in on elective land speculations because of the advantages they might perhaps offer financial backers in the present market.

Why Invest in land?

Land has for quite some time been one of the most sought-after open doors for financial backers. As a restricted ware, land has generally managed the cost of financial backers the potential for long haul security, fantastic returns, recurring, automated revenue, charge benefits, and a fence against expansion. Notwithstanding, land speculations additionally accompany specific drawbacks. Beginning in land effective money management ordinarily requires a broad measure of capital and solid financials for the individuals who are utilizing obligation.

Besides, land by and large requires dynamic support - financial backers are expected to deal with their resources for guarantee ideal execution. In this manner, elective interests in land have begun filling in prominence among the venture local area. While they can frequently offer comparable benefits to land money management, they convey a uninvolved open door, meaning they have zero administration obligation. The following are a couple choices for financial backers looking for elective land speculations.

Real Estate Investment Trusts

A real estate investment trust (REIT) is an organization that possesses and normally works pay creating land or related resources. REITs consolidate all resource types, including multi-family, retail, senior living, self-capacity, cordiality, understudy lodging, office, and modern properties, to give some examples. Dissimilar to other land ventures, REITs by and large buy or foster land for a drawn out hold.

Financial backers depend on a REIT's comprehension expert might interpret the housing business sector to broaden and balance out their portfolios. Numerous REITs are public, implying that all financial backers, including unaccredited financial backers with restricted capital, can put resources into them.

While public REITs convey many benefits related with customary land effective financial planning - like pay potential, broadening, and conceivable expansion security - they additionally accompany some particular inconveniences. For instance, REITs frequently experience slow development. Since REITs should pay out at least 90% of their benefits in profits, new acquisitions and improvements are restricted. To decide the strength of a venture, potential financial backers ought to lead a reasonable level of investment - with the help of a specialist on the REIT before buying shares.

Delaware Statutory Trusts

A Delaware Statutory Trust (DST) is a lawfully perceived land speculation trust where financial backers buy a possession interest, or partial proprietorship, in a land resource or land portfolio.

DSTs are usually depended upon by 1031 trade purchasers since they qualify as a like-kind property per the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

As well as giving financial backers recurring, automated revenue potential through an administration free venture, DSTs empower financial backers to put resources into institutional quality resources for which they wouldn't in any case haveaccess. These resources might have the option to convey more significant yields and longer-term strength.

Moreover, the obligation designs of DSTs are appealing to numerous financial backers. Individuals who put resources into DSTs have restricted obligation equivalent to their ventures; nonetheless, they can exploit the frequently alluring funding gotten by the support organizations. Sadly, just licensed financial backers can put resources into DSTs.

Opportunity Zones

Opportunity zones (OZs), characterized by the IRS, are "a financial advancement device that permits individuals to put resources into upset regions in the United States. This incentive’s intention is to prod financial development and work creation in low-pay networks while giving tax breaks to financial backers." OZs were presented. under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, and financial backers keen on putting resources into an OZ should do as such through a qualified opportunity fund (QOF).

QOFs can be an eminent choice for financial backers because of their tax breaks, which rely upon the period of time a financial backer holds a QOF venture. We have recently made sense of these advantages, which we allude to as OZ triple-layer charge motivators. Here is a depiction of the tax cuts a QOF offers a financial backer:

● Deferral: Those who rollover their capital increases into a QOF can concede capital earn respect from the first speculation until December 31, 2026.

● Decrease: how much capital increase perceived from the first speculation is diminished by 10

percent in the wake of accomplishing a five-year holding period, as long as that five-year holding period is accomplished by December 31, 2026.

● Avoidance: Long-term financial backers are qualified to pay no expense on the enthusiasm for their QOF venture upon attitude of that speculation, no matter what the benefit size, assuming the resources held in that QOF are held for no less than 10 years.

While opportunity zones are viewed as an unsafe speculation, provided their motivation, they might possibly convey financial backers better yields when contrasted with other elective land venture choices.


Interval Funds

An extra elective venture choice worth focusing on are interval funds. These assets are not restricted to land yet rather can be utilized to put resources into numerous protections, including land. Comparable to recently referenced reserves, these arrange investor money to put resources into various protections. Be that as it may, they offer a lower level of liquidity. Rather than having the option to exchange shares everyday, financial backers are normally restricted to selling their portions at expressed spans (i.e., quarterly, semi-every year, or yearly). The advantage of stretch assets is the adaptability they offer the assets - they permit the asset to execute longer-term procedures, making the potential for a more steady venture.

Accordingly, interval funds will generally convey better yields and a more broadened an open door. Presently, where do I put away my cash today? While the above data offers a depiction into the upsides and downsides of different speculation choices, you ought to think about extra perspectives. As opposed to promptly attempting to distinguish which choice is ideal for your purposes, the critical focal point here is to comprehend that the present market offers a variety of venture choices that were already obscure to quite a large number. Financial backers can broaden past stocks and bonds, which might potentially give them more significant yields while trying to relieve risk. To foster a venture portfolio that meets your monetary objectives, we encourage you to talk with one of our monetary experts.

General Disclosure

Not an offer to buy, nor a solicitation to sell securities. Information herein is provided for information purposes only and should not be relied upon to make an investment decision. All investing involves risk of loss of some, or all principal invested. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Speak to your finance and/or tax professional prior to investing. Securities offered through Emerson Equity LLC Member: FINRA/SIPC. Only available in states where Emerson Equity LLC is registered. Emerson Equity LLC is not affiliated with any other entities identified in this communication.

1031 Risk Disclosure: